2017 INORE European Symposium – Co. Clare, Ireland – August 20th to 26th
If you are a graduate student, early-stage researcher, or young professional in offshore renewable energy, you’re invited to Ireland for the INORE’s annual European Symposium! It will take place between the 20th and 26th of August, the week just before the EWTEC conference happening in Co. Cork. Join us for five days of research sharing, idea exchange, workshops, technical and site visits in a dynamic and informal environment. Meet and collaborate with like-minded individuals from around the world specializing in offshore renewable energy, including:
- Technology and engineering of offshore renewable devices
- Environmental monitoring and sustainability of marine renewables
- Marine resource assessment
- Policy and human dimensions of renewable energy
This year’s Symposium will be held in the west coast of Ireland, a region known for its potential for the marine renewable energy sector. Technical visits to the research centres leading the offshore energy test infrastructure of the country in Co. Cork and Co. Galway are organised. The main venue and accommodation will be the Burren Outdoor Education Centre, a large centre for outdoor activities in the heart of the wild preserved Burren region in Co. Clare.
Thanks to our sponsors, symposium activities, food, and lodging are free for attendees. However, travel expenses to reach the symposium will not be covered. We will also be able to offer a limited number of travel grants to partially reimburse costs for long-distance attendees with financial need.
This year, the main sponsor of the EU Symposium is SEAI (Sustainable Authority of Ireland) who plays a leading role in transforming Ireland into a society based on sustainable energy structures, technologies and practices.