SFI and EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Energy Resilience and the Built Environment

The ERBE CDT brings together world-leading academics from established energy research centres at MaREI, Loughborough University (LU) and University College London (UCL).

The CDT will train the future innovators and leaders capable of driving the future energy transformation. Students are trained through a programme of taught courses and PhD research hosted by the leading energy research groups in the UK and Ireland.

The training is led by world-leaders in their field and spans the technical, social and economic aspects of energy in the built environment, including: new and renewable energy systems; energy storage; smart controls; data analytics; socio-technical systems; people-centred design; human behaviour and energy economics.

It aims to promote excellence in research through the training of cohorts of doctoral students and the fostering of collaboration between UK and Ireland based researchers.

ERBE 2024 Successful Viva

We are also delighted to share that Orlaith McGinley (University of Galway) successfully defended her PhD thesis on ‘Retrofitting homes: Evaluating the householder’s retrofit journey, existing retrofit services and future directions for success in Ireland’s retrofit industry’.

First ERBE PhD success!

ERBE is delighted to congratulate our first PhD viva success! Nima Najadi Ziarani studied at Munster Technological University (MTU) passed his viva in December 2023.

Learn more.

ERBE Student-Led Conference 2024

The 11th annual ERBE Student-Led Conference was hosted by Loughborough University at the James France Building, Loughborough, UK, on the 17th of April 2024. The theme this year was ‘How models can inform policy making for the energy transition’.

The conference was attended by PhD students and early career researchers within energy research pertaining to the built environment and provided a  great opportunity to discuss current research interests and topics amongst peers within a highly collaborative environment.

ERBE Student-Led Conference 2024

The conference was split into 2 interconnected themed sessions:

Theme 1: The role of models in energy research – This session  focused on the wide application of models, whether social, theoretical or mathematical, to energy research and explore our experiences, limitations and challenges faced.

Theme 2: Shaping energy policy with our research – This session  focused on how researchers ensure their research is relevant and impactful to wider society.

Well done to our ERBE Students who presented their research at the conference.

Within each theme, there were poster sessions, presentations, networking and a keynote speaker. Erica Thompson, Associate Professor of Modelling for Decision Making at UCL’s Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy closed the first session discussing the role of models in research. The second theme closed with an address from Adam Bell, former Head of Energy Strategy at the Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy (now DESNZ) and the current Director of Energy Policy at Stonehaven.

ERBE Colloquium 2023

Congratulations to all our ERBE Students who presented their research posters at the ERBE Colloquium, which took place on Nov 8th in University College, London. Students from MaREI, University of Loughborough and UCL welcomed the opportunity to meet and discuss their research with their peers and industry experts from the ERBE community. 

Keynote Speaker for the event was Julian Leslie, Head of Networks & Chief Engineer, The National Grid ESO. Julian is a chartered engineer with three decades of transmission system operation, planning and investment experience. Julian’s role is to prepare Great Britain’s electricity network for net zero operation, defining future network needs so that market and network owners can invest in the right technology solutions at the right time. He is also responsible for transmission system connections, ensuring that access – both connection and maintenance – is safe, secure and straightforward and keeps consumers’ costs to a minimum.

ERBE Summer School 2023 Cambridge

The ERBE Summer School took place in Robinson College, Cambridge on  July 6th & 7th 2023. Students from Loughborough University and UCL joined the MaREI students in the stunning surroundings of Cambridge to share ideas and best practice on their ERBE research. They also enjoyed  focused Communications Training Sessions with Jonathan McCrea. Jonathan is the founder of Whipsmart Media, a consultancy dedicated to helping people with great ideas tell their stories to the world. Though Whipsmart, Jonathan provides expert communications advice and training so that clients get the most out of their “big splash” opportunities such as launches, keynotes, panels, funding and media interviews. Our ERBE team really benefited from Jonathan’s advice and practical tips as they ran their own series of interviews and panel talk shows, and discovered what worked well for communicating their research results and identifying the key messages they need to get across to a wide variety of audiences. Overall it was a very enjoyable and constructive Summer School for everyone involved.

Eoin Oude Essink receives the Fulbright Award for 2023-2024

The Department of Foreign Affairs, Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, and U.S. Chargé d’Affaires to Ireland Mike Clausen have announced Eoin Oude Essink as Irish Awardee for 2023-2024.

Learn more.


The ERBE CDT is supported by the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).