Cork Science Festival opens with a bang on Sunday 11 November at ‘Celebrate Science’ in UCC’s Western Gateway Building with over 75 interactive workshops, exhibits and talks on science in our every day lives…
From climate change and cocktail chemistry to mystery molecules and the physics of juggling, Cork Science Festival is rolling out an amazing programme of science events, talks, seminars, and fun exhibits for all ages from 11 to 18 November.
As part of Science Week 2018, this year’s celebration of science in Cork has a jam-packed programme of mostly free events with something for every age. Cork Science Festival opens with a bang on Sunday 11 November at ‘Celebrate Science’ in UCC’s Western Gateway Building with over 75 interactive workshops, exhibits and talks on science in our every day lives. Throughout the week, there is something for everyone including Cocktail Chemistry at Edison and a screening of 2001: Space Odyssey at Kino.
For children, the fun never stops during Cork Science Festival with primary school outreach extending across the city and workshops on Learnit LEGO, ‘Bloody Detectives’ and ‘Electric Brain’ to Science Storytime in libraries and “Celebrate Science” at Gateway UCC on 11 November and finally the “Community Festival of Science” at Neptune Stadium on 18 November.
Speaking at the launch of Cork Science Festival, MaREI’s Aoife Deane said, “Cork comes alive with science each year for Cork Science Festival. This year, there are fresh and exciting ways for families and individuals to engage with science in our city. We have a really diverse range of events from primary school workshops, science storytime at libraries, movie screenings and a range of evening events as well as the flagship Sunday events in Gateway UCC and Neptune Stadium…we can scientifically guarantee a really great time for all!”
Part of the national Science Week, Cork Science Festival is funded by Science Foundation Ireland, and is one of the biggest events in the Cork calendar.
Developed by a team of volunteers representing education, research and industry across STEM from the Cork area, most activities on the Cork Science Festival are free of charge to encourage engagement in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).
For more information, booking requirements and a programme of events please see www.corksciencefestival.ie or follow us on social media @corkscience