Paul Deane
Research FellowI think about the future and how we will heat our homes, fuel our cars, use our land and generate electricity. I have been involved in the energy industry for approximately 15 years in both commercial and academic research and I try to understand the transition to low carbon energy systems from a technical, societal and an economic perspective. I use computer modelling tools like PLEXOS and TIMES to simulate what different futures might look like and I am very interested in Energy and Climate Policy.
Research Interests:
Energy and Power systems modelling, Energy Economics and Policy, Energy storage and Wind Resource Assessment.
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A full list of up-to-date publications can be seen at google scholar.
Deane J.P., Drayton G., Ó Gallachóir B.P. “Sub-Hourly Modelling in Power Systems with Significant Levels of Renewable Generation”. Applied Energy 2013
Deane J.P, McKeogh E.J ,Ó Gallachóir B. P. “Derivation of Intertemporal Targets for Large Scale Pumped Hydro Energy Storage with Stochastic Optimisation”-IEEE Transactions on Power Systems- 2012.
Deane J.P, Chiodi A.,Gargiulo M., Ó Gallachóir B.P. “Soft-Linking of a Power Systems Model to an Energy Systems Model”- Energy- 2012
Deane J.P, Driscoll A., Ó Gallachóir B.P. “Quantifying the Impacts of National Renewable Electricity Ambitions using a North-West European Electricity Market Model”- Energy Exemplar 2013
Deane J.P, Dalton G., Ó Gallachóir B.P. “Modelling the economic impacts of 500 MW of Wave Power inIreland”. In press. Energy Policy 2012
Deane J.P, Ó Gallachóir B. P, McKeogh E.J. “Techno-Economic Review of Existing and New Pumped Hydro Energy Storage Plant.” – Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, December 2009
Deane J.P. Walsh D, FitzGerald J, Ó Gallachóir B.P. “Comparing Electricity Modelling for Energy Forecasts” Section 6, SEAI Energy Forecast forIrelandto 2020, 2011
P.Calnan, J.P. Deane, B.P. Ó Gallachóir. “Modelling the impact of EV charging scenarios on future generation profiles in Ireland-Assessing the impact on electricity generation, costs and emissions for Ireland in 2025”-Energy Policy,
Deane J.P, Ó Gallachóir B.P “Pumped Hydro Energy Storage”-Wiley Energy Encyclopaedia 2012
O’Sullivan R, Deane J.P. “PLEXOS Electricity Model-Electrification of Residential Heat”. Section 8, SEAI Energy Forecast forIrelandto 2020, 2010
Conroy, N., Deane, J.P., O Gallachoir, B.P. “Wind turbine availability: Should it be time or energy based? – A case study inIreland” Renewable Energy 2011
Ait-Driss, Bouaziz · Deane, Paul · Chittaranjan, Govindarajan. “O&M Planning – Key to Increased Project Availability and Revenue” Wind Energy 2008
D. A. Bechrakis , Deane, J.P. “Wind Resource Assessment of an Area Using Short-term Data Correlated to a Long-term Data Set.” Solar Energy Journal(May 2003).
AIT Driss, B. J.P. Deane and R. Legault. Good O&M Planning: Key to a Successful Wind Project. Presented at CanWEA 2006 Conference and Trade Show.Winnipeg, October 2006.
Dimitrijevic, M., É. Desrosiers and J.P. Deane. Factoring Wind Speed Variability into Long-term Energy Yield Predictions. Presented at CanWEA 2006 Conference and Trade Show.Winnipeg, October 2006.
McKeogh E. J., Gonzalez A. & Deane J.P. Computer Simulation of Planned 100% Renewable Generation on an Island off the West Coast of Ireland, Renewable Energy Sources forIslands, Tourism and Water Desalination.Crete, May 2003.
Deane, J.P., McKeogh E. J. Validation of Wind Resource Assessment Technique. European Wind Energy Conference . Madrid, 2003.
Deane, J.P .,C. Moehrlen, E. J. McKeoghWind Data Analysis. European Wind Energy Conference . Copenhagen, 2001.
Awarded a Siemens IEI Young Irish Engineer of the Year Award in 2001
Awarded ERI Post-Doc researcher of the year 2012