Bronwyn Dowd
PhD StudentPostgraduate Student University of Galway Energy Transition, Climate Action Advanced Fuels in the Circular Economy
Bronwyn is currently pursuing a PhD under the supervision of Dr. Maria Tuohy in NUI Galway. The project she is undertaking is titled “Validation of sustainable energy recovery from meat processing by-products”, and is part of the Sustainable Energy and Fuel Efficiency Spoke within the SFI-funded Spoke Research Programme. The industry partner for the project is ABP Food Group. This project aims to demonstrate contributions from enzymatic pre-treatments to sustainable energy recovery from meat by-products produced by cattle slaughterhouses.
She graduated from NUI Galway in 2019 with a first-class honours BSc in Biotechnology. In the 3rd year of this degree, she completed an Erasmus+ internship in the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, which gave her a huge insight into the power of microbes in producing sustainable biofuel, and sparked her interest in the subject. She built on this knowledge and further increased her interest when she completed her Final Year Project in NUI Galway under the supervision of Dr. Maria Tuohy, where she investigated the lignocellulolytic capabilities of novel deep-sea microbes.