Ibrahim Sengor
Post Doctoral ResearcherResearchers UCC Energy Transition Energy Policy & Modelling
Ibrahim has been working for the MaREI Centre/Environmental Research Institute at University College Cork (UCC) as a Postdoctoral Researcher since June 2021. His research interests include the integration of electric vehicles, renewable energy systems to electric power grids, and power system operation within the smart grid concept.
Currently, Ibrahim is investigating the effects of electrification of heat and transport together with renewable energy systems on the power grid and methods to mitigate their impacts.
Ibrahim received the B.Sc. degree from Istanbul Technical University (ITU), M.Sc. and PhD degrees from Yildiz Technical University (YTU), Istanbul, Turkey all in Electrical Engineering in 2013, 2016, and 2019 respectively. He worked as a Research and Teaching Assistant at the Electrical Engineering Department of YTU during his graduate studies. He has joined the Electrical Electronics Engineering Department of Izmir Katip Celebi University (IKCU) as an Assistant Professor as of March 2020. Also, he is currently Head of the Electric Power Systems Division with the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IKCU).
Ibrahim has published more than thirty academic papers in the most prestigious journals & conferences in the field of power & energy and participated in different kinds of academic and industrial projects. He is a Member of IEEE and PES and also serves as a Reviewer in IEEE Transactions and many other prestigious journals.