Kwame O. Donkor
PhD StudentPostgraduate Student UCC Energy Transition Advanced Fuels in the Circular Economy
Kwame is currently involved an Irish Research Council (IRC) funded projected entitled Sequential Temperature-phased Enhanced Anaerobic digestion using Microbes and Enzymes (STEAME). STEAME is aimed at developing a cost-effective technology for the efficient conversion of farm-animal waste and surplus grass silage to biogas. Key innovations are developed in the areas of: pre-treatment; thermophilic semi-dry anaerobic digestion; and microbial and enzyme applications. These are expected to improve the economics of farm-based AD systems thorough increased biogas yields; avoidance of slurry storage; and production of stable class-A biosolids as a value-added product for agricultural land applications
Kwame earned his BSc in Petrochemical Engineering from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology located in Kumasi, Ghana. He obtained his MEng in Chemical Engineering from Stellenbosch University, where under the funding of the Water Research Commission (WRC) of South Africa, graduated as the best masters engineering. Kwame research interest includes Bioprocessing, Bioenergy, Renewable gas (green gas), Anaerobic Digestion, Modelling and Technoeconomic Analysis of Bioprocess Systems.