Lala Rukh Memon
PhD StudentPostgraduate Student University of Galway Energy Transition Materials & Structures
Lala Rukh Memon from Pakistan, is a PhD researcher in Civil Engineering at the National University of Ireland, Galway. Her PhD project is about the interrelationships between the operational energy demand practices the internal environmental conditions in buildings, the people occupying the buildings and the materials and technology used in the retrofit of buildings.
PhD project, Heat Check project, MaREI symposium, ERBE student-led conference, ASHRAE symposium at NUIG
She recently post graduated from the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand with a second master’s (2021). Previously she had a master’s in Energy Systems Engineering (2018) and a bachelor’s in Electrical Engineering (2016) from Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Pakistan. Apart from conventional education, she have also spent one semester abroad in the United States for a cultural exchange program-Global UGRAD in 2015, which broaden her horizon and allowed her to explore the world. Her first master’s research was a joint project with the British Council and Coventry University, United Kingdom, this allowed her to conduct her research at Coventry University. During the summer of 2019, she was invited to participate in Nobel Laureates Meeting in Lindau Germany in the field of Physics among young scientists, physicists, and researchers from around the world. The global COVID-19 pandemic during 2020 proved to be a pivoting point in her career, the lockdowns allowed her to reassess her abilities and take a fresh start. Which took her to AIT- an amazing place to learn, and groom, and now at the National University of Ireland, Galway-soon to be named as the University of Galway.