Marta Fuente Lastra
Post Doctoral ResearcherResearchers University of Galway Energy Transition Materials & Structures
Marta recently finished her PhD on the topic of ‘Investigation of radon prevention and mitigation: from radon measurements to specification for soil depressurisation systems’. She is now working as a postdoctoral researcher within Sustainable & Resilient Structures Research Group led by Dr Jamie Goggins. Her research interests are within radon prevention and mitigation, indoor air quality and energy retrofitting. She is also active in outreach activities, and participated in school projects for the Galway Science & Technology Festival 2017-18 and in the Engineers week 2018-20.
Marta graduated in Physics with the final project ‘Set up of a radon in water measurement system applied to aquifers’ at University of Cantabria (Spain) and obtained an extraordinary award as recognition of the excellent academic performance in 2015. She obtained a MSc in Physics, Instrumentation and Environment with the thesis “Research about different measurement techniques of radon exhalation in soils” at University of Cantabria in 2016. She was awarded a research collaboration grant conducted at University of Cantabria between 2015-2016 and completed a summer visiting research fellowship at Brown University in 2016. Then, she started a PhD (2016-2019) at NUI Galway under the supervision of Dr Mark Foley and Dr Jamie Goggins.