- Title
RRING Project (Responsible Research and Innovation Networked Globally)
- Start Date
May 2018
- End Date
April 2021
- Funding Body
Horizon 2020
- Coordinator
University College Cork
- Project Partners
United Nations Educational, Scientific, Cultural Organization Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited, Meiji University Educational Foundation, National Research Foundation, International Consortium of Research Staff Associations, University of Bradford, De Montford University, Rhine-Waal University, Wageningen University, Anglia Ruskin University, National Research Council, Fraunhofer, Universitiet van Amsterdam, Dublin City University, University of Madrid, University of Vilnius, Centar ZA Promociju Nauke, Future Earth, Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Project Manager
Erna Karalija
- Website
RING started as a coalition of organizations and individuals with a vision to carry out a research programme, before evolving to become an open and welcoming community, spreading and sharing the ideas of responsible research and innovation.
The RRING Project has a series of research objectives including:
Understanding of the global State of the Art in responsibility in research
Understanding how responsibility may contribute to the achievement of the Agenda 2030 and the SDGs
Understanding and advocating responsibility in research and innovation as not only a moral value, but also as a competitive advantage for excellence in research and innovation
The RRING project included a global survey on RRI and results obtained in the project and lessons learned shaped the emerging RRING community. The project acknowledges that each region of the world is advancing its own agenda on RRI. Therefore, RRING will not be producing a Global RRI framework or strategy that is meant to be enforced in a top-down manner.
Rather, increased coherence and convergence in RRI will be achieved via a bottom-up approach, learning from best practices in RRI globally and from linkages, via the new RRING community, to develop the RRI linked-up world.
Responsible Research and Innovation Networked Globally – RRING is a truly global project divided into 5 geographic zones, covering the globe. It started in May 2018 with the aim to establish a sustainable RRING community by the end of April 2021. This was successfully completed with the community now counting over 600 members from around the world.
D 1.6. RRING self-evaluation and consultation guidelines
D 1.7. RRING Knowledge database of RRI
D 2.3. Strategies to mobilise and promote RRING
D 2.4. Training materials for stakeholders to use RRING deliverables join RRING network
D 2.5. Final Dissemination & Communications Report
D 3.1 SoA of RRI in Europe/ N America
D 3.2 SoA of RRI in L America
D 3.3 SoA of RRI in Africa
D 3.4 SoA of RRI in Asia
D 3.5 SoA of RRI in Arab
D 4.1 Report on RRI Best Practice and learning opportunities
D 4.2 Global SDG and RRI comparative analysis
D 5.1 Recommendations Report on methodology to leverage RRI competitive advantages
D 6.1 Alignment of RRI to advance the UN SDGs
D 6.2 High-level strategies for each of the 7 Geographic regions
D 6.3 Results of the workshop on RRI strategies and roadmaps for 2 selected EU countries
D 6.4 Recommendations report on improvements to MORRI indicators for European RRI initiatives
D 7.1. SoA of RRI networks and Network theory
D 7.2 RRING Network model, implementation plan, and risk assessment plan
D 7.3 Report on a trial period of RRING Network functionality