Senior Post-Doctoral Researcher – DSIS
Project Title: Deep Societal Innovation for Sustainability and Human Flourishing
Post Duration: 3 years
Salary: €51,677- €56,203 p.a. (IUA PD2 Salary Scale)
For an information package including further details of the post see https://ore.ucc.ie/.
Informal enquiries can be made in confidence to Prof Edmond Byrne, Professor of Process and Chemical Engineering, School of Engineering and Architecture & MaREI/ERI, UCC, Tel: + 353 (0) 21 490 3094; Email: ei.ccu@enryb.e or to Prof Maggie O’Neill, Professor of Sociology & Criminology and ISS21/Collective Social Futures, UCC, Email: ei.ccu@llieno.eiggam
Applications must be submitted online via the University College Cork vacancy portal (https://ore.ucc.ie/). Queries relating to the online application process should be referred to ei.ccu@tnemtiurcer, quoting the job-title and project name.
Position Summary
Applications are invited for a Senior Post-Doctoral Researcher to lead a groundbreaking Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) funded project that seeks to achieve transformative and far-reaching impacts to address the contemporary polycrisis. Building on Dr Ian Hughes’ foundational leadership, and research with others across UCC and beyond, Deep Societal Innovation for Sustainability and Human Flourishing (DSIS) is an ambitious transdisciplinary project aligned with MaREI, the National Research Centre for Energy, Climate and Marine research and innovation, co-ordinated by the Environmental Research Institute (ERI) at University College Cork. The project seeks to understand, re-imagine, and transform our world. It asserts that many of the fundamental social institutions upon which societies rely, including politics, economics, technology, religion, gender and care, and education, are suboptimal for the realisation of human and planetary flourishing. The project aims to address the urgent need to reimagine these key social institutions and to inform policy levers so as support appropriate reconfiguration to better meet the challenges of our time. The project aims to make a seminal contribution to international research and policy on deep societal transformation by bringing together researchers from AHSS and STEM to co-create urgently needed narratives of rapid whole-of-society transformation, carried out in a partnership approach with policymakers and wider stakeholders.
This Senior Post-Doctoral Researcher position will be awarded to an individual who has previously secured their own independent, external research funding, or secured prestigious appointments, in an area of relevance to DSIS. The successful applicant will have a PhD, a track record of high-quality peer reviewed publications, and strong leadership potential, including as thought leader. Ideally they will have a developing international profile as a thought leader in transformation, experience in research and project management, and an established international network of stakeholders relevant to the DSIS project. The Senior Post-Doctoral Researcher will have strong supervisory skills, and will have mentoring duties with regard to two PhD students who will form the core of the DSIS team. They will work as part of a wider network of transdisciplinary researchers at University College Cork and beyond engaged in research on deep global cultural change.
Candidates should apply, in confidence, before 12 noon (Irish Local Time) on Friday, 9th August 2024.
No late applications will be accepted.