Senior Post-Doctoral Researcher – EirBLADE
We are seeking to recruit a Senior Post Doctoral Researcher to work on the EirBLADE project.
Project Title: EirBLADE – Repository of Decommissioned Wind Turbine Blades Phase III
Post Duration: 10 Months
Salary: €52,715 – €57,332 per annum, IUA PD2 Scale
For an information package including further details of the post see https://ore.ucc.ie/
Informal enquiries can be made in confidence to: Paul Leahy, School of Engineering & Architecture, Tel: + 353 (0) 21 4902017; Email: ei.ccu@yhael.luap (please quote “EirBLADE postdoc” in the subject line.
Applications must be submitted online via the University College Cork vacancy portal (https://ore.ucc.ie/). Queries relating to the online application process should be referred to ei.ccu@tnemtiurcer, quoting the job-title and project name.
We are seeking to recruit a Senior Post Doctoral Researcher to work on the EirBLADE project. The EirBLADE project is developing a REposItoRy of Decommissioned Wind Turbine BLADEs (WTBs) and linking it directly to WTB reuse in civil engineering and other applications. The creation of EirBLADE will be a key step in enabling the repurposing of WTBs on a large scale, thereby advancing clean energy, by fully transforming waste into resources for the circular economy. EirBLADE is funded by Research Ireland: National Challenge (Energy) Fund 2022 and is led by Munster Technological University with UCC as partner.
For further details see: https://sirig.mtu.ie/our-project/eirblade-project-2023-2024/
EirBlade is hosted in UCC by MAREI. MAREI’s goal is to carry out excellent research and translate the research results into significant societal and economic benefits. Our key strength is the multidisciplinary expertise of, and collaboration between, our 220 plus researchers across the 13 third level and research institutes and the 75 industries that comprise the MaREI extended family, providing potential for problem solving way beyond the capacity of single discipline groups. See: https://www.marei.ie
Candidates should apply, in confidence, before 12 noon (Irish Local Time) on Friday 7th February of November 2024.
No late applications will be accepted.