Senior Research Coordinator – Offshore Renewable Energy Group
Applications are invited for the role of Senior Research Co-Coordinator within the Offshore Renewable Energy Group, MaREI Centre, and the Environmental Research Institute.
Project Title: Lir NOTF /SEAI-SLA
Post Duration: 24 Months
Salary: €64,950 per annum, Personal Rate.
For an information package including full details of the post, selection criteria and application process see www.ucc.ie/hr/vacancies. The University, at its discretion, may undertake to make an additional appointment(s) from this competition following the conclusion of the process.
Informal enquiries can be made in confidence to Dr Jimmy Murphy | Email: ei.ccu@yhprum.ymmiJ
Applications must be submitted online via the University College Cork vacancy portal. Queries relating to the online application process should be referred to ei.ccu@tnemtiurcer, quoting the job-title.
Position Summary
The Senior Research Co Coordinator will have responsibility for managing the Lir National Ocean Test Facility (NOTF), including operations, facilities, finance, staffing, information management and resource allocation. This will also include a particular focus on the SEAI SLA, industry interactions with the Lir NOTF and on the management of Lir academic research programmes funded by national and international agencies and research conducted within the Lir NOTF. The Lir NOTF is managed by the Offshore Renewable Energy Group in MaREI.
The successful applicant will be based in UCC’s Beaufort Building in the Environmental Research Institute (ERI) (https://www.ucc.ie/en/eri/) and the MaREI Centre for Energy, Climate and Marine (www.marei.ie). The MaREI Centre is the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) centre of excellence for Energy, Climate and Marine research in Ireland. The MaREI Centre includes 13 Universities, Third Level Institutes and Research Organisations, has 103 industrial partners, and has research funding of approximately €60m. It combines the expertise of a wide range of research groups and industry partners, with the shared mission of solving the main scientific, technical, and socio-economic challenges across the energy, climate and marine domains. Researchers in the MaREI Centre have over 30 years of experience in conducting fundamental and applied research supported by competitively won national and international funding, and commercial contracts with government agencies and industry. MaREI’s strengths lie in the multi-disciplinary nature of its research teams, allowing it to combine insights across areas such as Marine Renewable Energy Technologies, Materials & Structures, Observations & Operations, Coastal & Marine Systems, Bioenergy, Circular Economy, Energy Policy & Modelling, and Renewable Energy Management.
ORE – Offshore Renewable Energy Group
ORE Group – The Offshore Renewable Energy Group, in the MaREI research centre at University College Cork, is a focused group of researchers under the leadership of Dr Jimmy Murphy, who researches ORE industry needs from wet storage solutions, LCOE modelling to technology development. It is a dynamic team that meets the challenges of the ORE sector by developing specialized tools creating data sets and assisting in technology development. Lir NOTF houses Ireland’s only infrastructure for small to medium scale laboratory testing of ocean and maritime systems, has expert support personnel and a track record stretching back to 1977. The group engages with industry and researchers to support the development of these emerging technologies. The ORE group are reputed for their contributions to wave, tidal and offshore wind energy development. The ORE group are also known for their work with floating structures, offshore structures, coastal engineering including breakwaters and harbours, hydrodynamics, scour, vessels, and offshore logistics.
The Senior Research Co Coordinator will report to Dr Jimmy Murphy and directly support Prof Brian Ó Gallachóir, the Director of the Environmental Research Institute to achieve the agreed strategic and administrative goals of the Institute and will serve as the primary interface between the Lir NOTF Facility and UCC. S/He will provide high level coordination to several academic research projects to maximise outputs and synergies and will ensure the research work within the Lir NOTF meets good practice and data protection standards. The Senior Research Coordinator will oversee the day-to-day operations of the Lir NOTF facility, infrastructure and equipment in accordance with Health & Safety requirements and other relevant legislation and is responsible for implementing the UCC Health and Safety protocols across the Lir NOTF.
Candidates should apply, in confidence, before 12 noon (Irish Local Time) on Friday, 18th October 2024
No late applications will be accepted.