JONAS & JOMOPANS Final Joint Project Conference
Date: 8-9th June 2022
Time: 09.00 – 16.00 IST/10:00 – 17:00 CEST
Location: Option to attend Cork, Ireland or online.
JONAS & JOMOPANS are pleased to invite you to join us for the final Joint JONAS & JOMOPANS Conference on the 8th and 9th of June 2022 in Cork, Ireland.
This conference marks the completion of two INTERREG funded, flagship marine research projects in the field of underwater noise. JOMOPANS is an INTERREG North Sea project which aimed to develop a framework for a fully operational joint monitoring programme for ambient noise in the North Sea; JONAS is an INTERREG Atlantic Area-funded research project addressing threats to biodiversity from underwater noise pollution through better risk management and monitoring in Atlantic Seas. Together, both projects will present and showcase results, tools and methodologies necessary for policy makers, managers and other stakeholders to assess and incorporate the effects of anthropogenic sound in their assessments of the environmental status of the North Sea and Atlantic area and meet the requirements of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). The conference will also address the legacy of both projects and the challenge of standardising, harmonising and aligning terminology and methodologies in the field of underwater noise. The conference will be hybrid, with the option to attend online and in-person. Please register as early as possible as in-person places are limited. Registration will close on Wednesday 1st June. Further details will follow, once registered.
If you have any queries, please contact the conference organisation team directly via ei.ccu@sanoj.