MaREI Podcast – Culture, Cuisine, and Carbon

We have recently developed the second episode in a new podcast series within MaREI, produced and hosted by MaREI at University College Cork researcher Evan Boyle

The second episode includes insights from science, practice, and the arts to highlight the potential role of seaweed in responding to the climate and biodiversity crises in Ireland. This episode outlines seaweed and its’ history on the island of Ireland as a food source. We highlight the potential of seaweed to play a role in relation to both the climate and biodiversity crises which the country faces. The potential of seaweed may be harnessed in the decades ahead and with this how it is culturally understood may need to be reevaluated.

Listen here.


Seaweed: A global history, (2017) by Kaori O’ Connor |

‘Seaweed: A potential climate change solution’, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2022) |

Dr. Ronan Sulpice |

Marie Power |

No Fixed Abode (2021) by Trú |