Minister Eamon Ryan uses MaREI’s Net Zero Report to explain Ireland vision of a Net Zero Economy
The Dublin Climate Dialogues took place on May 19th and 20th, the Dialogues brought together senior government representatives from the US, China, Europe, UK and the UN along with high-profile business representatives and leading economists to forge a declaration on how to turn net-zero pledges into concrete energy policies and actions to be adopted at COP26 including ways to strengthen the 2015 Paris Agreement.
Find out more about the Dublin Climate Dialogues.
Minister Eamon Ryan uses MaREI’s Net Zero Report to explain Ireland vision of a Net Zero Economy.

REPORT – Our Climate Neutral Future: Zeroby50
A Net-Zero Energy System for Ireland is possible by 2050, cost-effective and has the potential to create more than 50,000 jobs according to a new report published today by MaREI, the SFI Research Centre for Energy, Climate and Marine, hosted by University College Cork, on behalf of Wind Energy Ireland.