Bridge SMS

- Title
Bridge SMS
- Start Year
- End Year
- Funding Body
EU FP7 Marie Curie IAPP
- Coordinator
- Research Area
- Key Contact
- Website
“Intelligent Bridge Assessment Maintenance and Management System” (Bridge SMS) (Grant no: 612517) is a European Commission, Marie Curie 7th Framework Programme funded Project, under the Industry Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) call: FP7-People-2013-IAPP.
BRIDGE SMS is a software application that empowers engineers and key personnel to predict, identify, and prepare for potentially destructive flood events. BRIDGE SMS is a robust and efficient tool designed to lower maintenance/planning costs and to provide more secured bridge management/operation. BRIDGE SMS is focused, but not limited to scour / flood risk (Qualitative and Quantitative scour risk), an extension of structure assessment, and inspection (above the waterline) is possible. BRIDGE SMS would be a management tool (and decision support system) providing bridge historic data, current bridge status (measured real-time data from gauges, ongoing maintenance, scaffolding, etc.), and future data (Flood early warning system, recommendations, and mitigation measures). The system will also develop mobile phone/tablets application for inspectors (standard inspection forms and photographs would be possible to upload into the BRIDGE SMS system directly from the surveys).
Key Goals
- To develop standardised methods for bridge scour inspection.
- To develop standards for bridge assessment and management.
- To calculate the risk of and manages the potential effects of flood events.
- To develop a database framework that is designed for intuitive use, encouraging participation by personnel at all levels within management authorities.
- To develop a system that
- Collects integrate and processes real-time data at regular intervals from weather and hydrologic sources, meters and gauges, and other sensing devices.
- Will rapidly notify based on in-built intelligence and decision-making processes, relevant personnel of possible maintenance and failure issues.
- Will advise in relation to current Scour Risk at bridge structures and prompt an appropriate Plan of Action (POA) which may involve various levels of maintenance and repair.
- Which will prioritize and optimize the operational and maintenance budget spend on infrastructure companies.
- Maximum use of new Information and Communications Technology (ICT) hardware such as tablets and cloud-based systems for on-site rapid communications, data collection, and analysis.