- Title
- Start Year
- End Year
- Funding body
Horizon 2020
- Research Area
Buildings, Retrofit, Circularity, Low Carbon
- Research Partner/Host
Dublin School of Architecture, Technical University of Dublin, Ireland, MaREI
- Researchers
Phillipe Lemarchand, Technical University of Dublin, Ireland and MaREI
Maria Chiara Leva, Technical University of Dublin, Ireland and MaREI
- Website
The built environment is responsible for 40% of final energy consumption in the EU. The embodied energy in buildings counts for up to 60% of the building’s life cycle energy, with collateral embodied CO2. Within the EU more than 50% of all extracted materials are attributed to buildings. With a growing policy objective to renovate Europe’s building stock, there is a need for a deep and circular renovation process to ensure the lowest possible negative energy and CO2 impacts.
The overall aim of DRIVE 0 is the decarbonization of the EU building stock via an acceleration of deep renovation within a consumer centered circular renovation process in order to make deep renovation more attractive for consumers and investors, environmentally friendly, and cost-effective. This will be achieved by the following approach.
- Developing proven deep renovation products and concepts, for example from several recent EU projects, further to circular renovation products and concepts (with a TRL 8 to 9) based on local available materials and components including those from existing building stock, with emphasis on easy to install plug & play prefab solutions for building envelope elements and building services, to be produced in fully automated BIM controlled production processes.
- Developing attractive consumer centered business models based on circular renovation concepts supported by digitalization and gamification.
- Providing occupants with attractive and understandable information on building performances in use.
- Providing relevant stakeholders evidence of the performance of the developed DRIVE 0 solutions by local study and demonstration cases initiated by ‘local drivers’.
Work Packages
WP1 – Management and Coordination
This work package will provide coordination and budget management, oversee the project communication, and ensure the delivery of outputs.
WP2 – Circular Technology and Concept development and adaptation.
Developing proven plug & play prefab deep renovation solutions for building elements and
building services – towards holistic circular renovation products and concepts.
WP3 – Circular Process and Production development
Holistic concept development for circular renovation – via testing in demonstration cases and developing a morphological design approach and BIM enhanced production process.
WP 4 – Performance Monitoring and User Information
Provide consumer/end-users / potential investors of deep renovation projects, with attractive and understandable information of real total performances of their renovated homes.
WP 5 – Consumer centered Business models and Financing
Support the use of mechanisms, instruments, and innovative business models to explore and exploit local drivers for the circular economy
WP 6 – Smart impact measuring and feedback from study and demonstration cases
Identify and use local drivers to initiate and accelerate deep renovation from seven selected demonstrator cases representing all climatic zones in Europe and a range of local drivers.
WP 7 – Communication, Dissemination, and Training
to provide professional and public coverage of the project results and achievements, benefits, and potential deployment via a variety of distribution, dissemination channels, and workshop training events.