Energy Policy & Modelling
MaREl’s capabilities in the area of ‘Energy Policy & Modelling’ focus on the development of advanced energy systems modelling techniques to explore low-carbon energy futures and associated technology opportunities across various scenarios of ambition, risk and cost. Modelling capabilities within this research strand include aspects such as bottom-up techno-economic modelling of sectoral energy demand, electricity dispatch modelling, and energy system optimisation using TIMES. Research activities include aspects such as analysis of the value chain for identified technology opportunities, which in turn advises the research focus across other areas of the Centre. A further focus comprises the development of a national innovation system to deliver dissemination and diffusion of identified technology opportunities, and the quantification of the necessary cost reductions required for marine and renewable energy technologies to form part of Ireland’s Low Carbon Energy System. Complexities in modelling the energy system increase as more technologies are developed and introduced, and as the number of objectives and scale of ambition increases, e.g. decarbonisation, citizen participation, energy security etc. This underscores the importance of energy systems modelling and the need to understand how all the elements fit together, and how we can meet our future energy needs at the least cost to society.
Further information relating to MaREl’s ‘Energy Policy & Modelling’ expertise is available here.