IDEA-IRL Podcast – Wet Storage Floating Off Shore Wind Turbines
The IDEA Ireland project podcast series looks at the offshore wind farm industry featuring experts on key aspects of the design and operation of a floating offshore wind farm. Through the series, you will get an overview of the industry, the stakeholders involved in developing a floating wind farm, and the opportunities and challenges that floating wind presents.
Wet storage and its relation to floating off shore wind energy is the talking topic of today. Given Ireland’s goal of establishing large-scale floating offshore wind energy projects and the limitations imposed by offshore weather, research on “wet storage” looks into the benefits it offers to accelerate installation times and support floating wind turbine long-term operation and maintenance. Postdoctoral researcher at MaREI, UCC, Ross O’Connell gives an insight to the current status of wet storage for floating offshore wind, what constitutes a suitable location for its implementation, and how it’s going to be rolled out in Ireland.
The podcast is brought to you by a collection of industry experts, University College Cork (UCC), Gavin and Doherty Geosolutions (GDG) and Wind Energy Ireland (WEI) are working alongside an International Energy Association (IEA) Wind Energy task 49 to develop Integrated Designs for Floating Offshore Wind Farms (IDEA).
The IDEA-IRL project is funded by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI).