New Irish Building Stock Observatory (IBSO) Platform Website

A new MaREI Irish Building Stock Observatory (IBSO) Platform Website has been launched. 

The Irish Building Stock observatory (IBSO) platform uses processed Building Energy Ratings (BERs) also known as Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) downloaded from the Sustainable Authority of Ireland (SEAI) to present expert and non-expert users with visualisation metrics and data pertaining the Irish Housing Stock.

The platform barometers Irelands progress toward the national retrofit targets, published in Ireland’s national Climate Action Plan 2021 requiring, by 2030, 1 in 4, totalling 500,000 homes to be retrofitted to a B2 energy rating or higher along with the installation of heat pumps in 1 in every 5, totalling 400,000 homes. The Irish Building Stock Observatory (IBSO) measures and visualises progress towards these targets by dwelling type and location, cataloguing the evolution of energy upgrades in the stock over time. The data on this platform is updated quarterly. As time progress, more quarterly data will be added as well as building data and embodied carbon databases.

Click here to visit the website.

Irish Building Stock Observatory (IBSO) Platform Website!