New MaREI Paper – Social Innovation and Deep Institutional Innovation for Sustainability and Human Development

New MaREI Centre paper, Social Innovation and Deep Institutional Innovation for Sustainability and Human Development, which explores the interconnections between processes of thought leadership, and emerging practices of social innovation.

This paper, by an international team around MaREI, the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) national Research Centre for Energy, Climate and Marine research and innovation, builds on two previous papers. The underlying model of the “deep institutional innovation” (DIIS) – team posits that societal transformations occur at specific moments in history. It is the premise of the three papers that we are now at such a historical tipping point.

To read the entire paper in full click here 

Feature Project


The Deep Institutional Innovation for Sustainability and Human Development (DIIS) project aims to lay the foundations for a critique and reimagining of the major social institutions in society.

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