Post Doctoral Researcher – Circular Economy Energy and Environmental Systems (CEEES)
Applications are invited for the post of Post-Doctoral Researcher to join the MaREI Centre in University College Cork (UCC), based at Environmental Research Institute, Ellen Hutchins Building, Lee Road, Cork. The Post-Doctoral Researcher will primarily work on the optimisation of circular bioeconomy systems with a focus on Power to X as a means of valorising renewable electricity. Research includes for, but is not limited to, the production of renewable chemicals such as renewable hydrocarbon fuels or renewable volatile fatty acids. Experimental trials using a bespoke bio-methanation rig, coupled with process optimisation, and resource analysis will form part of the work.
Project Title: Optimization of circular bioeconomy systems.
Post Duration: 12 Months
Salary: €44,347 – €50,805 per annum (IUA PD1 Salary Scale)
For an information package including further details of the post see https://ore.ucc.ie/.
Informal enquiries can be made in confidence to Dr David Wall, Senior Lecturer in Transportation, School of Engineering and Architecture, Tel: + 353 (0) 21 490 2286; Email: ei.ccu@llaw.divad
The successful post-doc will be based in the MaREI Centre for Energy, Climate and Marine headquartered in the Environmental Research Institute in University College Cork. MaREI is a key research centre within UCC’s Environmental Research Institute (ERI), which is an internationally recognised Institute for environmental research dedicated to the understanding and protection of our natural environment and to developing innovative technologies, tools and services to facilitate a transformation to a zero carbon and resource efficient society. The MaREI Centre is a Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) funded research centre headquartered in the ERI and includes 13 other Universities and Third Level Institutes across Ireland, has 50 industrial partners and has accumulated research funding of over €60m. It combines the expertise of a wide range of research groups and industry partners, with the shared mission of solving the main scientific, technical and socio-economic challenges across the climate, energy and marine spaces. MaREI is also funded by SEAI, EI, EPA, ERDF, EU, HEA, Marine Institute, DCCAE and IRC, as well as with contributions through our industry partners. Researchers in the MaREI Centre have over 30 years of experience in conducting fundamental and applied research supported by competitively won national and international funding, and commercial contracts with government agencies and industry. MaREI’s strengths lie in the multi-disciplinary nature of its research teams, allowing it to combine insights across areas such as MRE Technologies, Materials & Structures, Observations & Operations, Coastal & Marine Systems, Bioenergy, Energy Policy & Modelling and Renewable Energy Management.
Circular Economy Energy and Environmental Systems (CEEES)
The Research Group focus on renewable advanced fuel production in circular economy systems and consists of approximately 20 researchers. The breadth of the work includes the analysis of systems deriving out of ocean (offshore wind and seaweed) to conversion (hydrogen, electro-fuels, gaseous and liquid biofuels) to end use (industry, transport fuel).
Detailed laboratory work includes for production of biohydrogen and biomethane deriving out of feedstocks such as agricultural residues, lignocellulosic crops, macro-algae (seaweed) and micro-algae. The research covers biological and thermochemical bioenergy pathways. The group investigates a range of innovative technologies at laboratory scale including for Power to Gas, demand driven biogas and novel biogas upgrading technologies. Fundamental and applied aspects of biomass gasification, pyrolysis, and methanation are also investigated. Work includes for desktop analyses such as chemical kinetic modelling, process simulation, geographic specific bioresources, lifecycle analysis, sustainability analyses and techno-economic studies. The research facilitates the development of roadmaps, which describe how Ireland can initiate a green gas industry and contribute to mandatory renewable energy targets for renewable heat and transport fuels.
The CEEES research group is led by Dr Archishman Bose (Eli Lilly Lecturer at Process and Chemical Engineering), Dr Richard O’Shea (Lecturer in Sustainability in Enterprise), Dr David Wall (Senior Lecturer in Transportation) and Prof Jerry D Murphy (Director of the SFI MaREI Centre and Chair of Civil Engineering).
Research Project: “Optimization of circular bioeconomy systems”
The optimization of circular bioeconomy systems with a focus on Power to X as a means of valorising renewable electricity is required to maximise the potential value of surplus renewable electricity (in a high renewables scenario) and capture additional value associated with biogenic CO2 originating out of biomethane production deriving out of anaerobic digestion (a key player in the circular economy).
Renewable electricity may be used to produce hydrogen via water electrolysis, this hydrogen may be used directly as a fuel, or, as a reagent for the synthesis of higher values fuels and chemicals when combined with biogenic CO2. Microbial processes to convert hydrogen and CO2 into compounds including but not limited to methane, acetic acid, and caproic acid are of great interest in maximising the value of surplus renewable electricity.
Three work packages will be completed as part of this project: 1. Design and commissioning of an experimental microbial process to convert hydrogen and CO2 into methane, acetic acid, or other longer chain carbon compounds. 2. Process optimisation through the use of mathematical models. 3. An assessment of the potential resource associated with this technology in Ireland.
To Apply
Please include your CV as indicated in the University College Cork online vacancy portal (https://ore.ucc.ie/)
Please include a one-page perspective on “the role of Power to X and anaerobic digestion in the circular bioeconomy” as additional documentation in PDF format.
Candidates should apply, in confidence, before 12 noon (Irish Local Time) on Friday, 6th of September 2024.
No late applications will be accepted.