
- Title
- Start Date
2nd November, 2017
- End Date
31st December, 2020
- Funding Body
INTERREG Atlantic Area
- Coordinator
International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL)
- Project Partners
International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL – PT)
Asociación de Investigación Metalúrgica del Noroeste (AIMEN – ES)
Fórum Oceano – Associação da Economia do Mar (Fórum Oceano – PT)
Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (CIMAP – FR)
Marine South East (MSE – UK)
University College Cork (UCC – IE)
- Principal Investigators
- Project Manager
- Research Area
- Website
Key Enabled Technologies (KETs) are six advanced technology capabilities, where Europe is leading. They have the potential to impact many aspects of society and enhance industrial competitiveness in Europe. The challenge is to engage Europe’s various economic sectors in using KETs and KET innovations.
The maritime is one sector which could benefit. Elements of it could use KETs to transform traditional approaches into high-value approaches. In doing so, the maritime sector could effectively embrace innovation and novel sustainable market opportunities. This is what the KETmaritime project is seeking to facilitate.
Through the range of project activities, the KETmaritime team is demonstrating the utility of KET-maritime innovations, examining both sectors in detail, and highlighting priority opportunities. With our diverse range of academic, industry, and SME stakeholders, the team has also identified the opportunity for European states bounding the Atlantic Area to create an innovation ecosystem for KET-maritime innovations. Our stakeholders have mapped out the path to achieving, producing a roadmap to enhancing the Blue Economy with KET innovations.
The KETmaritime project aims to build a cooperative network and strengthen the KETs transfer of innovation results to facilitate the emergence of new products, services, and processes across the Atlantic Area. In doing so, it has fostered a network of KET-maritime innovators. This network seeks to increase knowledge, identify and exchange good practices and sustainable solutions based on KETs for the marine economy and resources, and overall, improve the socioeconomic situation through innovation and transnational cooperation.
Email: ei.ccu@ttorracs.r
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