Ireland’s Energy System Resilience

How does Ireland’s energy system respond to low winds and cold weather?

Ireland is currently world-leading in integrating the highest levels of wind power into a synchronous power system. As Ireland further develops wind energy, this infographic raises valid questions about what happens when the wind is not blowing.

During the first two weeks in January 2021, Ireland experienced both low winds and cold weather. The power system responded by compensating for the low levels of wind power with increases in electricity generation from natural gas. In addition, the cold weather increased the demand for heating in our homes and the gas system was also able to provide sufficient increased heating.

Download the infographic here or view it below. 

Role of gas in Ireland’s energy system resilience

Prof Brian Ó Gallachóir MaREI Director and Dr Paul Deane a senior research fellow at MaREI, recently wrote an article for the Irish Times entitled ‘How to ensure we keep the lights on while reducing emissions’. They discuss creating resilience in our electricity system will be essential to meet growing demands and climate targets. 

Read it here.