- Title:
- Start Date:
September 2023
- End Date:
August 26
- Funding Body:
Horizon Europe
- Coordinator:
NTUA, Greece
- Research Partners:
MaREI, the SFI Research Centre for Energy, Climate and Marine at UCC
- Project Partners
Ethnicon Metsovion Polytechnion – National Technical University Of Athens, Ntua (Greece); Engineering – Ingegneria Informatica Spa (Italy); Inesc Tec – Instituto De Engenhariade Sistemas E Computadores, Tecnologia E Ciencia (Portugal); Fundacion Cartif, Cartif (Spain); Comsensus, Komunikacije In Senzorika, Doo (Slovenia); European Dynamics Luxembourg Sa, Ed Luxembourg (Luxembourg); Audencia (France); Regulatory Assistance Project (Belgium); Iclei European Secretariat Gmbh (Iclei Europasekretariat Gmbh), Iclei Euro (Germany); Universitat Basel (Switzerland) Blueprint Energy Solutions Gmbh (Austria); Ourpower Energiegenossenschaft Sce Mit Beschrankter Haftung (Austria); Coopernico – Cooperativa De Desenvolvimento Sustentavel Crl – Coopernico (Portugal); Watt-Is Sa (Portugal); Cooperative Electrica Do Vale Deste Crl Portugal; Energeiaki Koinotita Chalkis – Ene.Koi.Cha Greece; Elliniki Etaireia Energeiakis Oikonomias – Hellenic Association For Energy Economics (Greece); Green Energy Aggregator Services A.E. (Greece); Parity Platform Idiotiki Kefalaiouxiki Etaireia – Party Platform Pc (Greece); Epri Europe Dac (Ireland); University College Cork – National University Of Ireland, Cork – UCC (Ireland); Dcsix Technologies Limited (Ireland) Mol Teic – Dingle Hub (Ireland); Esb Innovation Roi Limited (Ireland); Bekescsaba Energia Esco Kft. (Hungary); Enasco Cleantech Alliance Korlatolt Felelossegu Tarsasag (Hungary); Cuerva Energia Slu (Spain)
- Principal Investigators:
- Project Manager:
- Research Area:
Energy Transition, Energy Systems, Community Engagement
ENPOWER is a €7.094.000 million, three-year project that will improve energy systems by empowering citizens and fostering energy-secure communities through innovative methodologies and technologies. MaREI UCC leads Task 2.4 and 5.1 focusing on:
- Co-developing the notion of energy-secure communities driven by data through deliberative citizen engagement
- Co-create consumer-centric ENPOWER services with citizens using an intersectional approach that integrates social sciences and humanities.
The overall vision of ENPOWER is to design, develop and demonstrate SSH-driven methodologies, interactive and closed-loop tools and services for energy activated citizens and data-driven energy-secure communities towards a consumer-centric energy system. ENPOWER combines leading-edge ICTs technologies [Internet of Things] (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), big data, DLT/Blockchains] with social / behavioural dimension, and with sharing economy and value stacking governance and business models.
Work Packages
- WP1 Project coordination
- WP2 Connect, Benefit & Incentivise: ‘Citizen engagement, interactive mechanisms, and multilevel knowledge creation in data-driven energy-secure communities’
- WP3 Plan: ‘Interactive tool for consumer activation and aggregation’
- WP4 Share: ‘Energy Data Space adaptation as enabler of consumers individual and community level activation and DR
- WP5 Interact & Manage: ‘Consumers and community-level data-driven services’
- WP6 Apply & Assess: ‘Demonstration of data-driven energy-secure communities and social acceptance’
- WP7 Replicate, Integrate & Scale up
- WP8 Disseminate, Exploit & Growth
Name: Alexandra Revez (Email: ei.ccu@zever.ardnaxela)