MaREI/ESRI Energy and Climate Policy Research Seminar
The theme for this year’s MaREI and ESRI Energy and Climate Policy Research Seminar is Energy Security and covers topics related to supply issues, behavioural response/distributional issues, as well as, the linkages to climate action. The seminar builds on a strong history of collaboration between UCC and the ESRI, with both institutions in the SFI MaREI Centre for Energy, Climate and Marine.
Register Here.
9:30 : Introduction/Opening- Alan Barrett & Brian Ó Gallachóir
Session 1 – Climate Action
9:45 : Ireland’s carbon budgets and energy system pathways (Hannah Daly & Olexandr Balyk)
10:00 : Provisional energy system CO2 emissions for 2021 (Brian Ó Gallachóir)
10:15 : Scale-up challenges and the interaction effect of decarbonisation policy measures (Fionn Rogan & Tomas Mac Uidhir)
10:30 : Q&A
10:45 : 5 minute Break
Session 2 – Security of Supply
10:50 : Energy security challenges and options for Ireland (Paul Deane)
11:05 : Integrating renewable hydrogen to achieve energy security through technology diversification (Genaro Longoria)
11:20 : The impact of planning and regulatory delays for major energy infrastructure (Muireann Lynch)
11:35 : Q&A
11:45 : 10 minute Break
Session 3 – Energy Demand
11:55 : How can lower energy demand help Ireland achieve its climate targets? (Ankita Gaur)
12:10 : Energy costs and households (Niall Farrell)
12:25 : What is the potential for active modes to reduce Ireland’s transport emissions? (Vera O’Riordan)
12:40 : Q&A
12:55 : Closing Comments –John Curtis & Fionn Rogan
Register Here.